Today mom and dad took me to the dogpark. I love going to the dogpark, but today was especially special. Mom had arranged for me to meet all the OC dogs. Well not all of them, but I guess a bunch of her friends have dogs and so we all met up at the dogpark.
Most of the dogs are very little. I'm way bigger than them. And tougher. I was almost the toughest dog there. Sadie was there. She's such a scaredy cat. Yeah I said cat. She totally is. She didn't want to play with any of the other dogs. Sadie, don't you know that's what you're supposed to do at the dog park? She liked having me around. I think its because I'm so tough.
Sophie wasn't much better. Okay maybe a little. She gave me a kiss. That's kind of a big deal. I think she thinks she's my girlfriend. I didn't have the heart to tell her she's one of many. I mean, she's a good kid. I didn't want to break her heart or anything.
I also got to play with Football and Maganda. Football's big like me. He likes to run. He's really cool. What's especially cool though is how he sticks up for Maganda and she sticks up for him. See Maganda's really small. REALLY small. I was afraid I might step on her and squash her she's so small. But Football let me know that she's really tough too. Then she let me know. Football's daddy said we were like the police because we went to break up some fights. That's cool. I would like to be a police dog - they're tough.
There were lots of other dogs I met there too. But it was really hot and I got tired pretty easily. Especially cause I got to run and run and run like I love to do. It was such a fun day! I really like the OC Dogs!